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Our Story

The Urithi Wa Umkobothi Company Limited is focused on protecting, popularising, packaging and celebrating African Liberation Heritage. 


We go by UWU for short. We are African and celebrate our resistance, liberation and our history of triumph on the continent and in the diaspora. 


As such, we are clearly focused on sharing the histories and locations linked to our liberation heritage, taking you there and helping you show that you care. 


UWU is founded in Tanzania because it is... 


Historic. Since the 1960s, the United Republic of Tanzania was founded on the idea of African Liberation and has put itself and its people in a position to ensure that the rest of Africa achieve their own freedom. 


Symbolic. The spirit of Pan-African liberation birthed here led to the founding of the organisation for African union (OAU) that is now the African Union. It is with this spirit that we want to bring together all Africans and their proud descendants in mind, heart, purpose and celebration.  


Epic. Tanzania also hosts over 121 sites linked to the most recent liberation struggles of Southern African countries. There is nowhere better to begin to walk in the footsteps of some of Africa's greatest liberation heroes.

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